Meet the 20-Year-Old Beauty YouTuber Who Just Hit 1 Million Subscribers
PC: Emilynn Rose
Beauty and lifestyle YouTuber Jessica Vu (@jessyluxe) hit 1 million subscribers and recently launched a fashion line collaboration... all at the age of 20! Crazy, right!? Jessica has earned a loyal group of followers by bringing online content such as her unique makeup tutorials, vlogs, and chit chats regarding her heritage and life. Jessica collaborated with fellow YouTuber Jenn Im on her fashion line, Eggie, to launch the JessyLuxexEggie fall line. Read about what Jessica has to say about her Vietnamese background, editing style and relationship with other Youtube creatives below. One thing’s for sure, we’ve checked follow on all her social accounts because this young entrepreneur is going places and we can’t wait to see how her career unfolds.
Tell us about yourself and how you got into the world of Youtube.
My name is Jessica Vu and I make beauty/fashion/lifestyle content on YouTube. I've always loved watching makeup tutorials and started YouTube in my senior year of high school as a hobby. To be able to say it has become my job is surreal!
What or who would you say has been your biggest inspiration for your video editing, aesthetic and content?
My main inspo for editing and looks is actually music. I like to think of every video as a separate project and music helps create a different mood. In the past, I've even created looks based on songs just because I wanted to share the song in a video.
Congrats on your collaboration with Jenn IM for the JessyxEggie Fall line! You’ve been following Jenn for a while and she’s had a strong influence on your style. How was working with her to design your line?
Working with Jenn and Eggie was amazing; the team was very organized and easy to work with. I didn't expect anything less of a fellow Virgo.
You turned 20 in August, Happy Belated! We loved your birthday video and the hotpot content. You’ve been in the youtube scene for a while; how has balancing youtube been at such a young age?
Thank you! I moved out to LA at 18 and I'm not going to lie, juggling YouTube with learning how to become a functioning adult made 2018 the hardest year I've ever experienced. I can't say I've found the perfect balance at 20, but I try my best!
You’ve had videos where you bring in your mom and mention your Vietnamese heritage. Do you want to do more videos on your Vietnamese background?
I'd love to! I definitely want to make a Vietnam trip soon. I've spoken on how important Southeast Asian representation is on my channel and am proud to be a Vietnamese creator.
How has your family responded to your working in the Youtube space?
Honestly, I'm surprised my parents were so responsive about letting me pursue something I'm passionate about rather than something traditionally lucrative. I heard my mom explaining my job to her friend a few months ago and for how long it took for me to explain it to my mom, hearing her be the one to explain got me emotional. It's something they don't fully understand but nevertheless respect, and for that I'm very grateful.
How do you decide what products and brands to try out / collaborate with?
I love playing with new makeup! I do receive product in PR so there's always something new to try. I'm always open to product recommendations from my followers too since we have similar preferences; a lot of my favorite products are actually follower recommendations! If I like a product, we can discuss collaborations with the brand from there.
We love seeing your dynamic with Jenn Im and Michelle Phan online! How did you meet them?
I met Michelle through Instagram actually; we were mutuals and I messaged her after watching her "Why I Left" video; her story was very moving and I felt her origins were relatable at the time. I met Jenn Im at a makeup event when I first moved to LA. I knew we would get along from one of our first interactions when she told me she was an ENFJ. ENFJs are my favorite! And no, MBTI is not a pseudoscience.